Monday, May 11, 2009


Possibly the backbone of the game's design-- the gems. The gems were created to keep the action constantly in flux by having your strengths and weaknesses changing at every turn.

Gems also give you a chance to perform an effect on enemies. Effects leave your enemies in vunerable situations. Your chances of causing effects vary by which Weapon Arm uses the attack.

The green gem endows you with the power of earth. Earth is strong against electric, but weak against fire.

Pitfall (effect): A small hole in the ground opens up and leaves you trapped until you can struggle out of it.

The red gem endows you with the power of fire. Fire is strong against earth, but weak against water.

Burn (effect): When burned, your health quickly depletes.

The yellow gem endows you with the power of electricity. Electricity is strong against water, but weak against earth.

Paralysis (effect): When paralyzed, you are stuck in a position until you can shake it off.

The blue gem endows you with the power of water. Water is strong against fire, but weak against electric.

Bubble (effect): If you get hit by a water attack, you have a chance of being trapped in a bubble, which opposing forces can then push you into danger or finish you off.

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